Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 days of Positive Thoughts!

The family pug had to visit the vet today. I had known that her teeth were not doing well but much to my chagrin, once she was under I was told it was worse than I thought. I am anticipating a horrible outcome. I think immediately I have been a horrible pet owner and then reminisce about all the dogs my family owned who only went to the vet for broken bones and terminal illness - and upon learning of the illness were put down. Wow it is expensive to own a pet today! But I don't own a "pet" . I have an animal who is a friend. She has taught my children so much. She has taught responsibility. Safety and behavior modification. She has taught them unconditional love - how to spoil someone and lick them to death and be spoiled. Our home is a safe haven - for we know she will protect us. She makes us laugh and plays with us. I rethink my first thoughts and know I am so lucky to be able to have a pet and be able to take care of it the way my parents could not.

I will pick up Em today with a light heart knowing that she will feel like her old self soon and be back to that playful friend I love.

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