Monday, January 10, 2011

Upcoming changes in Indiana

The healthcare industry is forever changing. Most of the time - it plods through the administrative processes and actually changes for the better with time. Currently we are seeing trends to step back and return to patient care. This is happening with challenges through Doctor owned hospitals, Physicians who make home visits, and a need to actually touch another person with care and to be of service.

As the healthcare industry moves in those directions we are receiving directives which will make it more difficult to address the needs of those who do not have money. Those who rely on the system.

For years nursing homes and retirement centers have been receiving monies for beds not used. This sounds ridiculous doesn't it? What a waste - why pay for something to just sit there? Yet, the reality is that by reserving beds for medicare/medicaid options it has created immediacy for placement for those who do not have money.

If the current projections of the baby boomers numbers are correct and boomers live to need those services, the for profit beds will fill and there will be no beds available for medicare and medicaid. Now this may not affect you but my observations (unproven and without scientific study) is that the baby boomer generation is not prepared for this. They may not the ability to be for profit.

The other concern is whether clients who are currently in a medicare or medicaid bed but need a short stay in the hospital, may come out of the hospital to having lost their facility's medicaid/care bed. Facilities may hold those beds or may not and this will be dictated by their financial needs.

An option to change this to a positive approach - what a sales pitch for a facility. They could guarantee bed holds for short periods of time to sell their clients on using their facility. Keep your eyes peeled - we do not know where all all will lead.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The bad me says I need to be good!

Wow what a year! I have neglected my blog, my facebook, my (not signed up yet) twitter, my spam box, my webb page and sometimes it carries over to our life, our selves, our loved ones. Starting off 2011 with thoughts of how I need to get my stuff in gear.....

Even the bad me says I need to snap out of it and do the next right thing. Wow that is serious because like everyone there is that other side always tantilizingly shouting to me to goof off, don't take life too seriously, and go to Aruba for a vacation. Or....better still - backpack through the country for a year. Looking back on the year I realize - I only took 5 days off to be at Lake Mill with my children. So what do I need to do to shape up? I need to recognize that we have a wonderful life, that those that surround us are loving and attempt to do their best. That the economy is what it is and we can move on from that. That a hike in Brown County is as important as the next networking meeting or a trip to Aruba. That enjoying what is here in front of us is what we can shout and sing about. Hey that Bad side isn't so bad.

The things to be thankful for from 2010 - A wonderful family, daughter in law, and daughter in law to be... Memories of laughter and good times....Memories of my Mother who passed Nov 5 - I am thankful that my children had the 9 years that she was with me to share who she was. I am so grateful that Mom was able to die at home...that my employees were patient with me to ease my time through this and I was able to spend more time with her and make her more comfortable.

In 1988 when I started Elder Moves, Inc. I was a whopping youngster of 37. I came into the company with a heart felt sincerity and energy and youth-filled knowledge of everything. Today I have seasoned. I am knowledgeable through experience and time. Today I have even downsized my self and my life - the experience deepens our sensitivities and creates an even better service for all whom we serve. For it is serving others that makes the most out of every day. It is what I am most grateful for whether a client, my family, or a friend. I look forward to being of service. When I am finished I'll go to Aruba.