Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chess for the not so whimpy!

With gusto we meet for a 7 am chess game at Hubbard and Cravens on Saturday Mornings. I have decided it is truly a think tank. Ranging from 6 years old to 60+ some of us infrequent but committed. A cultural potpouri of people and a constant flow of ideas and thoughts fun and laughter and encouragement to do better. The conversations range from politics to jokes, from Christmas gifts to religion from children to just plain being quiet waiting on the next suspense filled move. I am not good at chess but I have observed that what little I play has taught me much about myself. It has taught me my aggressive side, my impatience and to slow down. It also has woven a group of friends which has caused me to covet my Sat Mornings in a special way. Merry Christmas to anyone who ventures to read this. May God Bless your lives with as much as I have been blessed.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Aging with ZEST!!!!

Butler University Basketball team won again as did the Freshmen Cathedral H.S. Team. It is so fun to watch these non professional teams and they are definitely exciting. We have a group of people who go to see the games and the group keeps growing. Took my 92 year old mother to Butler's Northwestern game last week - I hope the men in my family take note - put it on their to do list when I reach that age.

To have a zest for life at 92. Off to the game - to the Colts game this weekend with her sons and wearing a t=shirt and (for the first time in her life a sweat band) Colts of course. If aging gracefully means keeping going this is the way to do it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Elderly should they panick?

We have had such a great run the last 25 years in the economy and I equate this wave to starting a new football team at the Freshman level. We are learning a new world of syberspace/communication/economics/and interfacing. The tweeking is not always easy but it will happen and we need to be there to assure the elderly that they will be alright that we will bring them along in this transitional time. As a 60's gal I hope we can help bridge some of those gaps. This is my first attempt at blogging and I hope I will get better but look forward to hearing ideas about the elderly from anyone.